
Showing posts from January, 2024

 Watching was eye opening to what the inside operations of a startup are like. The documentary really focused on the social aspect of the the "ceos". I thought the whole idea of having two ceos would be a disaster from the start as it ended up being but that is a hard decision to make when the two people who are starting the business have been lifelong friends and came up with the idea together. I found it interesting how they allowed the founder of their competing company to show up. I assumed they wanted to learn from him but im sure that he also wanted to learn more from them or get a insider perspective of what they were doing. I also found it interesting how they waited until the last minute to check out the website and found that the search didn't work at all. I feel like there should have been way more attention focused on the user end of the application as that is another factor that can determine if the customer will use your program or not. I found i...

3 Business Ideas

 #1 A vr/ar/ai head set. The head set has several hardware features like a speech to vibration ear piece, a projector to display information to the outside enviorment, A front and back camera that connects to a AI assistant that can identify, label, and react to what it sees. Here is why you need it. You will be the smartest person in the room because you have an ai assistant that only you can hear. You will have hands free acsees to the internet. The AI will use ML and data training to help you navigate and make informed decisions. The device will allow you to call, text and possibly facetime others. you can check the weather, order a pizza to your location, have acsees to the sum of humanities knowledge. The goal is to keep the head set minimal by moving uncecessary parts of the hard ware into a wearable for your chest- torso. This way the head set is not large and clunky as the battery and AI chip will be worn like a small back pack. The goal is to keeo the head set as minimium ...

Strengths and weakness

 Strengths:  Mannerisims: I grew up with parents that taught me basic manners like saying please and thank you which seemed really simple to me but as I've met more people over the years I've noticed that many of them dont do the simple things like looking someone in the eye when they shake their hand or having a firm handshake.  Connecting others together: I am constantly expanding my diverse network of friends and acquaintances and I am very impresionable and quick to make friends. Because people are find of me, they can trust me when I say I want to introduce them to another one of my friends.  Ambitious: I have a very ambitious vision for what I want my life to look like and being ambitious has helped me to dive into things that I would otherwise have not done like starting my window washing company. An example of my ambition is setting the goal of 100k in revenue this year.  creative and imaginative: I have a strong imagination and use legos as an outlet fo...