Erik Hanberg

 What I was the most curious to find out about Erik was how invested he was in his book. Many successful entrepreneurs say dont fall in love with the product, but the customer. I imagine that when it comes to writing a book it is as if creating an art piece as every word comes from your own imagination. I would find it hard not to write what I want, but the customer wants. Erik also made the point that once he figured out the Amazon ads his distribution greatly increased. When I asked him if he would rather have a quality product that quantity distribution, he said that he would rather have a rough draft of a full book than a quality first chapter to get out. This surprised me because as a consumer I want to buy a quality product but has a seller he wants to distribute as much as whatever he can produce. It was also shocking to me that even though the kindle version of his book was free, people still wanted to buy the hard copy. I think this was a good marketing tactic because all it takes is one non profit director to read the free copy, and they will likely buy 30 physical copies for their team. In this case his book served as a networking tool for him because other nonprofits would want him to come and give seminars. I was also quite surprised at how spiky his income chart was. I am assuming that most of the smaller spikes were due to him receving a paycheck once or twice a month. But there were also larger spikes where his advertising had really taken off. 


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